Monday, November 1, 2010

Creating Inspired Creative Intelligence

Watch this short video Creating Inspired Collective Intelligence  Describe its main message and discuss the lessons that can be learned. 

There is a difference between an inspired organization and one that is simply good enough, what separates a company or organization from being good and great is sometimes referred to as the margin of difference. This margin of difference is what takes a company from meeting expectations to exceeding expectations. It's the little things that take anything not just a company from being good to great. That applies in everyday life as well, but from business aspect going the extra mile results in receiving an extra mile down the line.

In the video they discussed the margin of difference and ways to create an inspired collective intelligence. "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it" was one thing that stuck out to me in the video. This statement stuck out to me because it basically says anything is possible but in order to obtain your dreams you have to start first. No process can be completed without starting. The video gives many valuable lessons on the margin of difference. The thing that I learned is that in order to be great you have to go above and beyond to receive above and beyond results, but the most important part of all is just starting. If there is something out there that you want, then go and get it! It's up to you to make your dreams a reality.

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