Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog Assignment #5 - Collaboration and Collective Intelligence

Blog Assignment #5 (Due 4:00 pm Oct 20): Watch this video on collaboration and collective intelligence . Post a blog to summarize the key points your learn from the speakers.

I was very intrigued by the MIT video. The video discuss many key points surrounding collaboration and collective intelligence. One of the most common ways of collaborating these days is through social networking. That is one of the key points that come up in the video. Social Networking has become the new marketing scheme for a lot of companies and its taking the internet world by storm. In the video they discussed that people are providing their personal information and they are what is making the website popular but they are not seeing any of the profit. The idea that social networking should operate as non profit was also a issue that was brought up.

Another key point that was discussed was the virtual world of Second Life and how this is used in the corporate world. I know of companies who hold meeting inside of Second Life, which is odd but it’s another form of social networking and virtual gaming combined that show collaboration and Collective Intelligence. All in all I believe that Social Networking is a new phase that it here to stay because it is fueled by the youth, and its forever changing. Whenever Twitter or Facebook dies down as MySpace has now the next big thing will take over.

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