Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog #3 - Knowledge as a Strategic Asset

A wise man once said that "Knowledge is power" and there are a lot of truths behind that statement. When it comes to measures of your stature as a individual, anything from money, to a certain occupation can classify your social status to be superior to another individual, but those things can be taken away. A job can be taken away, and we all know that money comes and goes daily, but there is one measure of an individual that is everlasting and can never be taken away and that is knowledge. A person can never stop learning and gaining knowledge which is why companies should treat knowledge as a strategic asset. An asset is something you have ownership of or possession of that is useful or valuable quality and unlike products or money which can be taken away, knowledge can’t.

Companies must treat knowledge as a strategic asset because it is a valuable asset and the root of many decisions made by a company. Knowledge is important in many different ways in a company. A company needs knowledge in order to make the correct decisions to keep the company successful. You are only as strong as your leader so if the heads of the company are not knowledgeable about the business and smart enough to make the correct decisions the business will falter. Knowledge is not only important at the higher level positions but all the way down to the lower level positions. You may have a person that is very intelligent and has graduated with every honor that there is but if that person is not knowledgeable about the system in place and does not know how to perform the job they are assigned they are not very useful. Knowledge is everlasting and individuals are forever yearning for more knowledge. Knowledge, not profit or even customer service, is the base of a company because without knowledge you won’t be able to gain a profit or be knowledgeable about how to provide customer service.

I feel that companies should treat knowledge as a strategic asset because it comes to play in all areas. Training your employees is very important and a key element in success. This is can be used as a strategic asset because if your company is more knowledgeable and better trained than your opponents you will always come out on top. A company may have more money or more customers than your company but if you use knowledge as your strategy to success you will always end up on the better end because that knowledge and training will provide many ideas that will produce profit and that training will produce great employees that customers will love.

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